Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Living With Chronic Pain: Inspiration

A personal post from my perspective: 

I live with chronic pain.

When you explain EDS and chronic pain, people either pity you (oh, you poor thing!) or dismiss it (it's not that bad! it could be worse!). Neither of which I really want. I want people to say "wow, you deal with that kind of pain and you still accomplish so much, including hiking up mountains? you inspire me!" I blush when people say that, but secretly (or not so secretly now) that's the absolute best, to feel like your life impacts others positively by inspiring them. And in my opinion, a painful disability makes your accomplishments that much sweeter because you had to work extra hard for them. I hope that I inspire some people - that would mean a great deal to me. I know Liam inspires me and many other people and being his mom, that gives me an immense sense of pride. He inspires me and therefore I hope that I may carry on the torch and inspire others. Like a chain of inspiration! 

I used to lie on the couch all the time, I could barely walk across the house - until Liam inspired me to get out, enjoy nature, and find pride in my accomplishments. He inspires me. He inspires a lot of people. And I hope that somewhere someone is inspired by me because that's an amazing feeling. It's a feeling worth fighting for. 


  1. You and Liam both inspire me! And, I'm sure there are many others you both inspire, too. Especially people that may have more, or less, given up. You've helped me get to work harder on a couple of my goals, too!

    1. Thank you, Alan! That feels awfully good to hear!
